With light320,000 rpm, 2.7 bars, 3 sprays, push-button bur locking, water anti-retraction valve, fast, rotating connection with 4-way electric powered Unifix coupling fitted with a non-return valve on the air exhaust.
Direct drive. Light via dual optical glass rods, push-button bur locking, bur shank Ø 2.35 mm, anti-retraction valve. Compatible with the complete range of Bien-Air micromotors
Handpieces with interchangeable heads and contra-angles with detachable cups are the only instruments that can be fitted to motors rotating at 40,000 rpm. Apart from superior comfort and extended service life,...
Speed increasing ratio of 5. Optical glass rod light, push-button bur locking with anti-heating system, bur shank Ø 1.6 mm, anti-retraction valve. Compatible with the complete range of Bien-Air micromotors.
Speed increasing factor of 5. Light via dual optical glass rods, push-button bur locking with anti-heating system, bur shank Ø 1.6 mm, anti-retraction valve. Compatible with the complete range of Bien-Air micromotors.
The MC2 is the most widely used electric micromotor in the world. Appreciated and recommended for its reliability and endurance, it has been proving its worth for many years. With a rotating speed of 60 to 40,000 rpm,...
MC3 IR micromotor without light coupling type E according to ISO 3964, internal spray, 20 rpm to 40,000 rpm., Removable cap exterilizable autoclave, Bien Air Brand.
Brush micromotor, 60 - 40,000 rpm, with light and internal spray, detachable sleeve, compatible with Type E connection compliant with ISO 3964, Bien Air brand.